Computer Programming Program

The Computer Programming Program is part of the Computer Technologies Department. Its goal is to train Computer Technicians who will work in public institutions and private sector companies. The program is supported by two computer laboratories and one electronics laboratory. Students receive both basic and vocational computer education in practical applications. Graduates from this program work as Computer Technicians in technical service departments of computer hardware companies or as Computer Programmers and Web Designers in computer software companies. Additionally, students who successfully complete the 4th semester have the opportunity to transfer to 4-year undergraduate programs in Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Meteorology Engineering, Space Engineering, Informatics, Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics through the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS).





Eklenme tarihi :28.07.2023 08:18:14
Son güncelleme : 28.07.2023 08:18:14